Friday, February 1, 2008

More Photos

Hey everyone! I've been getting lots of feedback on all the here's some more. I'm trying so hard to catch up!!! I'm almost there. Not much new going on around here. We're having some repairs done on our home and are about to put some walls up in our finished basement to create 2 more bedrooms. We're praying about putting our house up for sale so we're slowly getting it ready as we pray. We haven't made a decision yet about what to do.

Other than that, not much to report. Gene is really starting to get in the groove of his new job. He is the marketing director for a high-end stationary company called Sweet Pea Designs. He loves the people he works with. I cracked up the other day because he was doing "research" for his job by reading "Martha Stewart Weddings" and "Southern Lady" magazines. He's sort of flipping out that his target audience is now 99.9% women. He said he feels like Mel Gibson in the movie "What Women Want." If I come home and find him waxing his legs and wearing panty hose I will be forced to draw the line :0)

We are having a reunion with our China travel group on Feb. 23 and I can hardly wait! I can't wait to get my hands on all those little ones! That's all for now...enjoy the pictures! Oh, and Eden is doing much better going to sleep at night. We still have issues but it is getting better.

This is my niece, Savannah. We had her 11th b'day party at the bowling alley when she came to visit over Christmas break. Such a pretty girl! I miss her and Hayden, her brother, so much. They live in south Florida.

Eden and her cousins, Savannah & Kendall, at Savannah's b'day party riding the horsey. Do you think Savannah & Kendall are a little big??? Eden LOVED it!

My Meemaw's 83rd b'day party in January. Isn't she beautiful? She is a treasure & I love her so much! Eden loves to play the piano with her.

Three generations (my mom was taking the photo). My baby has gained so much more than just Gene and me. A whole family! God is so good.

Eden eating the snow.

Eden & Maggie in the snow.

Playing dress up. Check out the earrings.

All decked out! Little girls are so much fun!


Aimee said...

Thank you for your e-mail. I have recieved sooo many e-mails that I couldn't find yours! Please let me know what it is.
We would love to get together with you guys.
I hope to hear from you soon,
Aimee Weathers

Buffi Young said...

I'm SO jealous of the snow. It's crazy that we're so close to you guys...but too far for the snow to reach us!!! Looks like Eden enjoyed the snow!! :)

The Ferrill's said...

Great pics, especially the ear-bobs!
Keri, where are we meeting for the reunion? Am I supposed to already know that? ;)
Is it at my house? Cause that's fine if it is, I just couldn't remember!