Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Baby is 4

Why does time have to move so fast? I am resolving in 2010 (and I'm serious about this one) to simplify life even more so I don't miss the most important moments due to busy-ness. This will be a good journey for me as we prepare to add another little one to the family this year.

But, back to the business at hand. I'm a little late with this post due to traveling and having company here, but Miss Eden turned 4 on Sunday. She is such a big girl. I never knew watching your child grow up would be so wonderful and sad at the same time.

Eden's birthdays trigger a strange mix of emotions for me. I wonder if I will ever get over the grief I feel over her not being home yet on her 1st we celebrate, the candles on the cake never match the memories of past birthdays. It's strange. We matched with her about 2 weeks before she turned one. We had her photo, which made Dec. 27, 2006 a very hard day. These feelings then lead to questions about her foster mother who cared for her from 3 mos. old until 19 mos. when we brought her home. I wonder if every year on Dec. 27 she grieves that she ONLY had one birthday with her? She and Eden loved each other so much. I can't help but think of her each year on adoption day and Eden's birthday. I am so grateful for the way she loved my daughter.

However, there is much more joy than sadness. I am so blessed by this little treasure every day of the year. I just love celebrating her life and all that God has done for and in her in 4 short years. This year, she wanted a party with all her cousins. So, we had a bowling party complete with Backyardigans decorations and cupcakes and all her cousins came. Eden's first time bowling was quite it took her ball FOREVER to make it to the pins because she insisted on doing it "all by myself." It was a fun day. The highlight was the hot pink Barbie Jeep my mom and step-dad gave her that morning. Thanks Ja-Ja for standing in line at 4 a.m. the day after Thanksgiving to get it...she LOVES it!

Here are some things about Miss Eden in her 4th year of life, followed by some pictures. Hope you all have a Happy New Year!

1) Eden talks...all the time...even if no one is listening
2) She loves to read
3) She loves to play with her daddy
4) She is a great helper around the house and loves doing her "chores"
5) Her chores are setting the table, feeding the dog, and picking up her toys before bedtime
6) She still comes in our bed in the middle of the night...most of the time I never wake the morning she's just there
7) She loves Micky Mouse Clubhouse, Wonder Pets, Backyardigans, Dora and Diego
8) She is very tender-hearted...she burst into tears when the mean guy trapped Kevin the bird in the movie "Up"
9) She is still scared of anything dark...we have yet to see a movie in the theater due to this
10) She loves Sprite
11) She cracks herself up all the time
12) She has an amazing memory
13) So far she has learned: Matthew 6:24, Genesis 1:1, Proverbs 3:5, Isaiah 30:15, Psalm 1:6...all in the month of December
14) She LOVES art and music
15) She takes ballet
16) She is girlie, but loves to get dirty, too
17) She gets really mad when she can't figure something out
18) She adores her cousins
19) She prays from her heart
20) She can't wait to be a big sister
21) God has given her a heart for orphans
22) Her favorite color is pink
23) She loves all kinds of soup...especially vegetable
24) She copies everything I do
25) Today, she says when she grows up she wants to be an artist...or maybe drive the train to the circus for the animals :0)

That's all for now...enjoy the pictures. I don't have the party ones yet so these will have to do. Happy 2010!

What we bought Eden for her 1st b'day while she was still in China

2nd birthday

3rd birthday

4th birthday

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Guess Who Came To Town???

Eden and I have already come to my mom's house for Christmas. We miss daddy, but he has to work at the Christmas Eve services at our church tomorrow night so he can't join us until Christmas Eve. Well, last night we had a big family dinner with all my siblings and their children, my parents and my grandmother. After dinner we all gathered into the den to chat, when all of a sudden we heard a "clatter" on the front porch...we all listened to see what was the "matter." When what to our wondering eyes did appear? Guess who came to visit us early?

We heard the jingling of bells and a big "Ho! Ho! Ho!" Eden sprang up...I mean sprang up and ran into the arms of...SANTA! It was such a sweet surprise. He even brought a kiss from Rudolph that lit up Eden's nose red!

After she sat in his lap and everyone got pictures made, we all sat down and he read us "Twas the Night Before Christmas." When he asked her what she wanted for Christmas she replied, "A jumproap and a clock for my wrist in case I can't find my Dora one but if I find my Dora one I don't need it." Whew...what a mouthful!

Before he left, he told us about the one gift that even Santa can't bring...eternal life; and how it makes him sad when people make a bigger deal out of him than Jesus. He reminded us of the real reason for Christmas. It was a special memory.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. Until next time, enjoy these photos.

Eden when she heard the bells...

When she realized who it was...

Eden greeting Santa...

They had quite the conversation...

A Kiss from Rudolph

One last hug...

My Meemaw's 1st photo ever with Santa

My nephew Camp...just because he is so cute!!!

Eden & all her cousins (except Julie who had her wisdom teeth out) with Santa

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Eden's Prayer

"Father, thank you for my baby brother and sister in Africa. Help them to be brave while they are away from our family. Help them to be brave when we come to get them. Help them to know me and love me. Amen."

Is it possible that God is preparing the heart of an almost 4-year-old in ways that I cannot imagine? Listening to her prayers each night, I can't help but think that no one knows how to pray for the one we will adopt better than she does.

There are many unknowns at this point, many unanswered questions. I think that God is telling us to walk on in faith, amidst the unknown, and listen for His voice daily. More than ever before we are trusting Him as Provider. One thing I know...He adores orphans and wants to place them in a family...and most of all in His family.

Do you realize that this is why we celebrate Christmas? He came to adopt us all. Joy to the world, the Lord has come!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thank You, Thank You!

Do you want to know why I haven't posted in a while? It's because you guys bought SO MANY ornaments for our adoption fundraiser. Thank you all so much for supporting us...we are so grateful and humbled. My hot-glue gun has been working overtime. Some precious new friends, the Shackelfords, even came to help me out. I am finally caught up on orders...there is still time if you want to order. Just click on the Ornaments for Orphans tab to the right. The video of Eden is priceless! I'm sure she is why we sold so many :0)

We had a welcome phone call with our adoption agency today where we could ask questions and hear more specifics about the Uganda adoption process. Gene and I were really excited when we hung up. God is already making some things really clear to us even now that we were questioning. Age, gender and number of children are some things we are praying through in the coming weeks. Right now we are leaning toward 1 child, but we obviously will change that if God tells us to.

We are settling in and enjoying our new home. I love the Christmas season and all that it represents. Here are some photos of what we're doing this holiday season. Thank you all again for your support and love.

Snowman and reindeer ornaments galore

These reindeer are made from lightbulbs

Eden and I made our first gingerbread house...not as easy as they advertise

Eden with her house

Eden eating her house...the best part!