During the day, all of the adopting families staying here (there are three of us) took a quick bus tour of the area and got our bearings (i.e. located the supermarket, the McDonald's and other shopping areas). Then we had a Chinese lunch before heading back to the hotel.
This afternoon we rearranged the hotel room to make some play space. The hotel staff is delivering a crib to the room and Keri is laying out clothes and toys for Eden. The suggested plan is to receive Eden in the morning, then spend the day with her here in the room. One reason for this is so that she sees just us for an extended period of time and not any Chinese faces. Going out among the Chinese people the first day or so can really be confusing to her as so many will look like her foster mom. Instead, we'll console her as best we can and begin the bonding process.
As the photo shows, we're calm, cool and collected. Actually we're anxious, excited and can hardly stand it. Not sure either of us will sleep much tonight. Early breakfast tomorrow, then Eden, here we come!
Hey! It's almost 5:30 here! You guys are probably getting up by now. I hope you got some sleep! It may be the last you get for a while. JK! Eden has had so much prayer I bet you don't lose any sleep, unless it's just complete and utter excitement. Have fun today! Love You All!
Looks like the stress of it all has just been too much adn your faces have melted from the heat there. I'm so sorry. We are praying for you.
praying even now as you come face to face with your precious one, Eden. We are anxious waiting to see the pictures that we know will be coming very soon. It is 8:40pm and know that any minute the emotions and anticipation are becoming reality. Thank you Keri for sharing your journey with us and especially the joy of sharing the gospel to "L" through your lives. God has you on such a great mission for His Kingdom. To God be the glory.
Friends in Christ
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