Monday, September 26, 2011

I Homeschool...and I Don't Own a Denim Jumper!

I've been wanting for a while to do a post on homeschooling. I wanted to "chew on it" a little bit before I posted. A good friend and I were chatting the other day about how much tension this subject can cause between Christians...not so much between non-believers...but boy can Christ followers debate this topic until we are blue in the face. Why is that? I think fault can lie on both sides. Parents on one side tend to assume that all parents who choose to homeschool are trying to "shelter" their children too much and say homeschool children need to be socialized. On the other hand, parents who homeschool tend to suggest that parents who choose school outside the home aren't discipling their children well and are somehow less "spiritual." Thus, the tension.

The truth is...we should all be grateful to the Lord that we live in a place and time where we have the freedom to choose, as the ones who know our child the best, what is best for him or her. This is a gift! Children are not robots...they are unique little people with individual needs, struggles, fears, gifts and abilities. Who are any of us to say what is best for "all" children? I sure wish we could spend the energy we use trying to prove our point to love, encourage and support one another as we all seek to raise up a generation who follows Christ.

In order to "shine some light" from the homeschool side...I thought I would share some of the reasons that Gene and I have decided, at this time, to school Eden at home. Notice I said "at this time," because we are most definitely taking it year by year. One of the first reasons we chose to homeschool was because Eden was "ready" to begin structured kindergarten at age 4. I wanted to take advantage of her desire to learn and so we began kindergarten with her last year. We kind of saw this as a trial year, to see how we all did.

Another reason is because we love the flexibility homeschooling gives our family. Because Gene works in full-time ministry, our weekend is Friday and Saturday. He rarely works an 8-5 day, and homeschooling affords us the flexibility to adjust our school days when we need to so we can have family time. Also, we can vacation any time of the year.

Next, at this young age, the school day is shorter. This is great for our mornings, and our evenings at home together. We start school around 9:00 and are finished by 2:00 (including break and lunchtime). With no homework, this leaves plenty of time to play, run errands, and go to gymnastics, and still have dinner together at the table most nights. It's also wonderful not to have to wake up so early.

Perhaps the biggest reason I desire to homeschool right now is that honestly, I am just not ready to send Eden out of the house for 8 hours each day at age 5. This is such a fun age; and I truly enjoy being with her, teaching her, playing with her. There are challenges...and I do think there are pros and cons to both homeschool and out of home school. Either way, you are gaining and giving just comes down to what is most valuable to your family, and for the good of your family. The pros to keeping Eden home is the influence I have on what she learns. I can adjust lessons to what she needs, enjoys and what she needs to work on. I can choose her curriculum. I can decide what "education" looks like for her. I do not have to worry about our values and the truth of Scripture being undermined or questioned by what another adult tells her. The cons are that because she is an only child, she rarely has to sit quietly, or take turns, or let someone else answer. Thankfully, through team gymnastics and church, she is with groups of children throughout the week...but it still isn't the same as a classroom environment and I realize this. I am constantly thinking of ways to help her practice self-discipline.

Another huge advantage for us has to do with Eden's self-image. Recently, she has really begun to understand and internalize the comments and questions we get regarding her adoption and her cleft lip. Rarely do we get intentionally mean comments, but some well-meaning comments are still insensitive and hurtful to her, and to me. Because she is home with me, most of these situations happen when I am there to talk her through it. I can explain that people aren't being mean, they are just curious. I can talk her through her feelings, and how to respond with kindness, yet still stick up for herself. If she were away at school, I don't even know how many of these comments, feelings and frustrations I would even hear about, much less be able to support her through. It tears my heart to pieces to think of Eden being made fun of because of her birth defect. I know it will happen, and I cannot stop it or protect her from it. However, I can use this time to teach her the truth of who she is in Christ so that when she is teased, her foundation is firm.

We also have a long road of doctor's appointments, surgery and other procedures to walk through both with Eden and our future child. It helps to be able to take school on the road, and in the waiting room :0)

I also think that homeschooling has a lot to do with the parents. God changed my heart and gave me the desire to homeschool before I ever started. I've heard many people say they were "called" to homeschool. That wasn't my experience. I just believe that God gave me the choice. I am a homemaker and so I have the time. The closer Eden got to school age, the more I desired to teach her and disciple her. I prayed about it, but I never felt God say, "It is My will for you to homeschool." I just saw the value in it for our family and decided to give it a try. Once we began, I started to see how being at home is good for Eden right now. We have a great school system...and I know Eden would be fine there. But I think for now, home is what is best for her.

So, in light of all of this, I thought it might be neat to give you a glimpse into our school day. First, here is a picture of our school is also our play room and our guest room :0)

Choosing curriculum was overwhelming for me at first. There is so much out there! This year we are doing first grade. We are using Abeka for phonics, language, reading and writing; Right Start Math; & My Father's World for Bible and science. We also have organized time for art and music.

Our schedule each day goes something like this:

9:00 Calendar, worship, Scripture memory & Bible & prayer
(We are learning hymns, & memorizing verses from Proverbs this year)
(During worship we sing, dance, whatever)
(We have a prayer binder for school that includes the names and pictures of our national, state and local leaders)
(Our Bible curriculum this year is a timeline of the entire Bible)

9:45 Phonics
(This includes a phonics lesson, workbook pages, spelling, and reading practice)

10:45 Break (games)

11:15 Writing lesson & workbook practice
(we are learning cursive this year, and also practicing manuscript)

11:45 Math

12:15 Lunch

1:00 Science and/or Art

1:30 Reading time

2:00 Finish any seatwork

In closing, I am not super mom. Do I get tired? Yes! Do I sometimes wish I had time to myself? Yes! Do I get impatient and frustrated with her? Yes! Do I second-guess my decision? Yes! Do I love having her home? Yes! Do I enjoy teaching her? Yes! Eden has become quite familiar with the term "alone time." I am becoming more familiar with the word "no." Sacrifices, even of good things, have to be made in order to make this work for our family. At the end of the day, Gene and I agree that this is where the Lord has led us for this time.

So, for all you homeschool moms out there...I admire you. And for all you moms who send your children to school away from home...I admire you. Both require an enormous amount of faith and sacrifice, don't they? In the end, our children all belong to the Lord...and our desire should be to glorify Him with all that we are...and to raise our children to do the same.

Oh...and did I mention...our home study is finally done for the adoption!!! We are now starting the Citizenship and Immigration paperwork. One step closer...praise the Lord!


Giann said...

Love this post!! and congrats on being done with homestudy!! :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE this post! dede lange