Thursday, February 4, 2010


I don't have the time or the information yet to go into a lot of details...but please pray for all orphans in Uganda right now. Due to beaurocracy and government red tape, there has been a halt on the U.S. issuing any visas for adopted children to travel back home. I don't know all the details yet, but our agency's blog said there will be some kind of hearing in the next couple of days that should let us know what is going on and how these new laws/wording of laws will affect adoption from Uganda.

I believe that this is a spiritual battle...I really do. Please pray for God's grace and mercy to prevail...His justice to change hearts so that Ugandan children can be adopted and brought home. Right now children are adopted through a loop hole...adoptive parents are issued guardianship, the US issues the child a visa, and then the children are adopted legally once they arrive home in the US. In order to adopt IN Uganda, the child must be fostered for 3 years.

Needless to say, these semantics and red tape have the power to change millions of little lives forever. I know God's heart is FOR the orphan and FOR adoption. We MUST cry out to Him. Please join in prayer.


The Joneses said...

Crying out even now to the God who created those precious ones and who loves them more than we can imagine. Father, Your will and Your timing be done. Protect those little ones as only You can!

Aimee said...

WE are praying!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aaron and Erica said...

I read this on another blog today too...I'll be praying!

Cathy said...

Praying...and very encouraged by the story of the young lady to be married sending gifts your way in lieu of wedding gifts! Selfless! Miss you guys, Love, Cathy and Jeff