Thursday, January 15, 2009

Christmas Photos - Finally

I promised I would post Christmas here they are. I don't have much time right now so this is going to be a photo post only. I will put captions under them. Most of you REALLY only want photos anyway (just kidding).

Here is how we celebrated Eden's 2nd Christmas home. Enjoy!

Here is Eden in her Christmas chef hat helping make pancakes and Christmas cookies.

Ba-Ba and Eden are putting reindeer food out in the yard on Christmas Eve.

I love this picture! This is Eden on Christmas Eve on our front porch.

Eden left cookies and milk for Santa and carrots and water for the reindeer. This was Eden's favorite part of "Santa." She wanted to leave him Skittles and Sprite instead of cookies and milk. Those are her favorite treats :0)

Eden got the Rose Petal Cottage playhouse for Christmas. She has enjoyed it so much!

Eden was so much fun this year! We actually have video of her telling the Christmas story. I will get Gene to help me post it ASAP. It's so sweet. Hope you are all having a great 2009 so far! Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Buffi Young said...

OH...I just LOVE these pix!!! Eden is at such a fun age!!! The reindeer food is such a sweet and fun idea!!! How fun!!! Wish we would have done more fun and imaginative things like that!!! I've gotta get better! Thanks for sharing the pix with us. She is a CUTIE!!!