Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Next Five Minutes

This is a video I did that was used recently in our church to highlight the urgency of our involvement in the needs of the world. Our Pastor has been teaching on just how radical Christ's call on our lives is and our responsibility to serve the poor as an integral part of our daily lives and faith.

All of the statistics in the video are real, gathered from the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. government, Persecution.org and other sources. I thought it might be relevant to those who, like us, share a heart for those less fortunate throughout our planet.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Hi!! Thanks so much for supporting our us through the fundraiser! We are planning to bring cookbooks to birmingham when we come the third weekend in november so we could leave 5 for you at the church office with Alma maybe?? If that would be ok? You can just drop a check in the mail to us or something and that would be fine with us. Let me know what you think and we'll be happy to do whatever we can to get them to you! Thanks again!